Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Today's (e)Mail Bag...

Norma Celebrates Christmas
Originally uploaded by itsmetj.

Hey guys...

Sorry to be so short on the posts here lately.

I've been busy with painting in the house, the kids, and work.

By the way...

I haven't gotten very far with the painting. Not like I had hoped to by this point at least.

Norma Celebrates Christmas
Originally uploaded by itsmetj.

Tomorrow we all three have a dentist appointment, so there goes some more time.

At a place I really don't like to be.

Don't get me wrong...

Our dentist is great.

I just don't like what he does for a living...

Especially with me in the chair.

Norma says to "Let it snow!"
Originally uploaded by itsmetj.

I have some great and fun news to share with you guys!

I have received a very special e-mail today!

A few months ago a client/friend of mine told me about a Christmas photo contest. She told me that I should enter the Christmas pictures that I had taken of my pets.

Gloria Duchin, Inc., was holding a contest to see who their ~spokespet~ would be for their special 2007 pet Christmas ornament. This special ornament would help be a fund raiser for the ASPCA.

I entered pictures that I had taken of Oliver the Cat, Norma the English Bulldog, and Timmy the Chihuahua.

Well today...

I got an e-mail from Gloria Duchin, Inc., that states:

We finalized our voting, and everyone unanimously decided that she is the most adorable dog. Please give her our congratulations!

Can you believe it?!


Double WOW!

So, I thought that I would share the "fun and great" news with all of you guys! Norma will be the Gloria Duchin, Inc., spokespet! The company will also have Norma's very own web page to help promote the ornament. When they put it up I'll let you all know!

Norma Says, "bah humbug".
Originally uploaded by itsmetj.

(BTW... I don't get any money from this thing, but I do get two of the special pewter ornaments with Norma's picture on it and $100 will be donated in Norma's name to the ASPCA.)


I really need to get to bed now.

You guys have a great Wednesday and hopefully I'll be catching you back here...



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